Last night as I was having trouble turning off my brain, I had a few thoughts I decided I want to share. So here I am! As I was lying there with ideas swirling around my brain, I found the majority of them were fear orientated. I was specifically worried about getting injured again. My body, and those areas I’ve hurt in the past, have been so irritated lately. I simply do not know how to make it better. And then on a more macro level; I was panicked about the direction of my life, followed by the state of the world in general… No wonder I couldn’t sleep! And as I listened to these thoughts I wondered to myself, why is it so much easier to yield to fear than the faith that things will one day work out? I see that the more I focus on fear, the worse I feel, and subsequently almost end up causing those very things I’m afraid of. So, with this understanding, why do I do it? I concluded the reason is because the outcomes of my fears are predictable. If these things come true, ...