
Showing posts from January, 2018


The start of a new year is often a time for reflection, goal setting, and decisions to make life changes. As humans, we seem wired to be on a quest of change and growth; hence our development as babies where on our own we decide to start crawling, walking, then running and sprinting. There is something that seems cleansing about the opportunity to start fresh or be pushed to have courage to do something different that maybe we’ve wanted to do, but have been fearful of. I had a couple things I wanted to share in relation to the new year; reflection, something I am thankful for, and some goals on my mind. These might seem a bit scattered but hopefully I can tie them together into something meaningful. REFLECTION I haven’t blogged in a few weeks. In part because I am somewhat living in the future. We talk a lot about enjoying the moment and the process because the journey is much longer than the actual destination. However, with injury the coping mechanism of looking ahead is...