
Showing posts from June, 2016


I had a pretty rough day today. Just dealing with things I really shouldn't have to necessarily deal with and prove. I felt pretty attacked almost as if I did something wrong even though I did nothing of the sort. It's related to "proving" I have a disability. And I just hate having to do that. For a long time I felt like I was completely damaged because I was born with this abnormality. I tried to hide it and any struggles I had because of it to compensate. Now I know better. It seems everyone has something. Even if it's just that they're really weird :). So I just appreciate the unique perspective it gives me.  I also hate using it to essentially get what I want or need. It makes me feel weak and incapable. And considering my love of lifting heavy weights I prefer feeling strong and capable. Anyway, I guess for logistics sake it's sometimes just necessary.  As I've been sitting here though, in an empty house as I just moved and don't hav...


I've been a little uninspired about what to write lately, hence my three week absence from the blog. I'm hoping as I start to write, something good will come together.  A picture from the best lifting day ever last week. No missed lifts! Sometimes with all that I see going on in the world it's hard to want to share about my seemingly insignificant personal struggles or successes. But, I think we have to remember it's those personal connections and stories that show how much good there is in the world, and how much we can positively impact and support one another. Besides some injury flair ups which have been a little troubling I have been loving training the past few weeks. And the reason for this ties into what I said above. I have a training partner now and it has completely changed the entire course of my training and frankly brightened my life since I consider training my priority.  When I was struggling so much with my mental game the last few mon...