I had a pretty rough day today. Just dealing with things I really shouldn't have to necessarily deal with and prove. I felt pretty attacked almost as if I did something wrong even though I did nothing of the sort. It's related to "proving" I have a disability. And I just hate having to do that. For a long time I felt like I was completely damaged because I was born with this abnormality. I tried to hide it and any struggles I had because of it to compensate. Now I know better. It seems everyone has something. Even if it's just that they're really weird :). So I just appreciate the unique perspective it gives me. 

I also hate using it to essentially get what I want or need. It makes me feel weak and incapable. And considering my love of lifting heavy weights I prefer feeling strong and capable. Anyway, I guess for logistics sake it's sometimes just necessary. 

As I've been sitting here though, in an empty house as I just moved and don't have any furniture yet...  I just felt this need to express my appreciation for CrossFit and all that it offers me. 

While today was rough I had the solace of training available to me. I was able to workout and have a great session. It's deload week! I think it's so funny how much I now enjoy deload week. I used to hate it but now I just need it. I got to work out with my training partner and while the workouts were tough I got to push myself further having the support of someone there. I got to hang out, relax, and just feel so accepted for who I am and appreciated for what I have to offer.

I never even knew I had anything to offer but it seems a lot of people actually like being my friend! It was exactly what I needed to feel strong and conquer my week. It also helped me re-realize my real goals and dreams. I have set up my life to be able to work towards achieving those. And the more I can focus on my dream, the better and more peaceful I feel even during a tough day or when I'm not feeling very mentally strong. I'm so happy to have this. 

I'm just so grateful to have found such a source of strength. I felt weak for so long. Incapable for what I lacked in sight or spatial awareness. Now I see my capabilities are really only beyond learning to believe in myself and keeping my body healthy. While it's a work in progress and I am not there yet, I am so happy to have the chance to pursue my passion and dream. I'm also just extremely lucky to have CrossFit to give me strength, support, and the realization that I am strong, capable, and have good things to offer. And as I believe this more my capabilities will only grow.
