I will preface this post by highlighting that in a physical sense I am doing well for being less than two weeks out of surgery! My pain is minimal and manageable. While I don’t feel normal, I really can’t imagine doing any better so soon after. I am very thankful for this and glad that my body has allowed me to resume working out and doing some of the normal activities in my daily life. I hope that it continues to heal well over the coming months. However, emotionally this week has been difficult. There are two main reasons this is the case. One, in a sense I am still grieving the loss of my athletic season for the year. I know that sounds silly. But I pour my heart and soul into training and it is my passion and a huge major purpose in my life right now. To have it be taken away again is just really tough to process. I also know this injury will impact the course of my athletic career (although hopefully in a positive way), which is extremely scary as I don’t want to give it up. ...