
Showing posts from February, 2016


A CrossFit Journal Article from 2007 entitled “Understanding CrossFit " makes the following statement regarding the uniqueness of our fitness approach: “The methodology that drives CrossFit is entirely empirical. We believe that meaningful statements about safety, efficacy, and efficiency the three most important and interdependent facets of any fitness program, can be supported only by measurable, observable, repeatable facts, i.e., data. We call this approach “evidence-based fitness.” My very first CrossFit workout, 2012 Therefore as someone who definitely believes in what CrossFit teaches, it’s easy to get hung up on the easily identifiable physical improvements that are made: getting a faster time, achieving a PR, etc. However, sometimes I think we overlook the “mental gains” so to speak that come from our development as athletes in CrossFit. As I mentioned in my last post, part of the reason I love CrossFit so much is because of the metaphor it is for life...


This post is going to seem a bit contradictory to my last one but since this blog is supposed to be about what actually happens in my life I needed to share. As I’ve mentioned, I have goals in both the sports of powerlifting and CrossFit. My soul goal in powerlifting thus far has mainly focused on bench press. When I was invited to do a bigger powerlifting meet in my area, I kind of took it as an opportunity I shouldn’t pass up.  After all, I kind of have a natural talent for certain aspects of that sport and it would give me a chance to compete at a higher level.  So, for the last few months I’ve been trying to make myself into a full powerlifter who just does CrossFit to stay healthy in preparation for that meet. I resided to not training for CrossFit this competition season to focus, and made this decision some time ago. However, as the CrossFit season grew closer I was honestly miserable in training. I felt isolated, lonely, and without purpose in what I was doing. ...


I wasn’t really inspired to write about anything in particular today so I thought I’d share my thoughts about the super bowl… Haha totally kidding, I legitimately don’t understand a single thing about football. The whole yards and downs thing is completely foreign to me. No, I actually thought I would take this opportunity to write three super positive things that happened in my training this week. Coming back from an injury is certainly difficult, and it’s easy as an athlete to only focus on those difficulties, but a lot of good has happened this week! 1. I finally feel focused and at peace with my decisions. Like I’ve mentioned before I have big goals in both the sports of powerlifting and CrossFit. And sometimes, I feel impatient and want to focus on improving all aspects of both sports at the same time. And while this can happen to some degree, (and honestly has) right now it isn’t feasible. I went into this year with so much fire inside me from rehabbing an injury last ye...