When I found out I would have the opportunity to go to Florida this week I was immediately struck by the date range. I would be in the place where I grew up on the anniversary of my brother's passing. This wasn't saddening to me. I was more so grateful for the opportunity to visit the pier where we had his funeral and laid him to rest in his favorite place, the water. This seemed like a special circumstance to remember him in the spot so near and dear to his heart. 

I honestly wish it would have turned out a little better. It was surprisingly cold!! And I was pretty uncomfortable which didn't allow me the time to sit and reflect as I had hoped. Apparently I should have brought sweat pants.. who knew! 

However, it was nice to visit this place. It was special to go to the gulf where his best memories were made, and where he experienced some of the best moments of his life. Through the years, I continue to change and always wish he was here to see it. However, I am once again grateful for his influence on my life. And for the existence of the ocean (or gulf in this case) which reminds me that he is still out there and with me every step of the way.
