It's times like these I wish I could have a computer in the shower. I wrote this whole post in my head while in the shower and now I just hope I can remember it! Ha.

Personally it's been a rough week. I had surgery on my knee which went well and was the best possible outcome. This week has just been a whirlwind. I also think I physically just feel depressed because I'm not able to train a whole lot. It feels like I've gone off an antidepressant.

Anyway, I really wanted to make this post a little light hearted. I thought I'd start with a story.
My friend since age 3
My first athlete- Katie 
A few months ago I was catching-up with a longtime dear friend. We were talking about our childhood and what we are doing now. She shared with me that when we were around 10 I told her I wanted to be a personal trainer and proceeded to make up a workout and force her to do it. I found this so telling. Even at that age I knew what I wanted. It wasn't until the world and my brain got in the way that I lost sight of that. We often get caught up in what we "should" be doing. What is appropriate, sensical, lucrative; and in that we sometimes lose sight of or try and convince ourselves that our passion is not what we want. This little story kind of reminded me though that if we pursue our passion those other things will fall into place and we can have what we need and want. Because we will put our best effort and soul into what we love, making us the best person for the job. Allowing us the chance to grow and change and connect with others. And with time suddenly our life is exactly what we were striving for when we tried to stray from our passion in pursuit of what we "should" be doing. I also found this story kind of funny. Ha-ha I guess I was kind of bossy back then. I'm sure we did things I liked (push-ups) and somehow neglected running around the block.

Anyway, the best perk of surgery is it was scheduled right when the CrossFit Games were on. I got to watch the whole thing! I even had my food brought to me hahaha so no interruptions. These athletes are all an inspiration to me as they are pursuing their passion and are at the highest level of our sport. Here are my top five movements from the games.

5. Kara Webb's comments before the games. 

Kara Webb is one of my absolute favorite CrossFit athletes. Not only is she amazing and physically strong but her mental strength blows me away and is at a level I dream of achieving one day. At an athlete dinner before the games she was interviewed and her response exemplified everything I admire about her. I tried to find the video and it's apparently disappeared from the internet. But her basic premise is her goal is always to win The CrossFit Games. But even if that doesn't happen she can still be satisfied with giving her very best effort in everything that she does. And because of that her experiences competing (even when she passes out after an event) are mostly positive and empowering. In fact, she is so self-assured she actually posts her scores for the open the day she does the workouts. She doesn't wait to see what others get. She doesn't need external validation to know that she is "good" enough. She trusts in herself. She keeps her end goal in mind. And even if that doesn't come to fruition, she is able to appreciate and be proud of her work and effort.

Also she won the spirit of the games award which is kind of like the character award so I guess a lot of others agreed and were as inspired as me.
4. Brooke Wells living what she does. 

I'll be honest I don't remember this from shower... Hmm. Oh okay. Second would be I really enjoyed watching Brooke Wells compete. I think it's interesting how we all kind of have different athletes that we are fans of and inspire us for whatever reason. What inspires me about Brooke is even though she is young, she seems so sure of herself. She seems comfortable with who she is. Like Kara she seems to have this mental strength and perspective I only hope to have. I admire most her ability to have fun and therefore love her training and competing. I am so serious and have my self-doubts and fears that often lessen my enjoyment of my sport. Her ability to have fun makes her a better athlete. And not only is she able to have fun, but she is able to laser focus on her goals and the workout and give her best effort. It's to me the combination of attributes I can only hope to have. How amazing to have dedication, commitment, and give full effort while also having fun and enjoying the experience!

3. Night events in the tennis stadium.

The events that take place under the tennis stadium lights are some of the most amazing the games presents. The fan presence is palpable. It's the greatest physical manifestation of the CrossFit community in one place you'll ever see. And also the feats the athletes are able to present is unbelievably amazing. Almost super human. It's not watching people exercise that's so amazing. It's watching them push past what is possible and become better that is so inspiring. Some of my favorite events included Double DT, 100%, and Rope Chipper. 

2. Watching Mat Fraser

I'll be honest Ben Smith has always been my favorite male CrossFit athlete. I don't know why. He just seems so nice. Quietly confident but willing to learn and grow. Anyway, this is about Mat! He dominated the men's field. So much so that their competition was somewhat boring. What amazed me about him is his relentless ability to work on his weaknesses and make them strengths. Even on events that you wouldn't expect him to be in the top on, he was! I watched a video about his road to the games and his dedication is unparalleled. His ability to push himself alone, in his basement, is a quality I hope to develop. His internal drive, his "why", and heart is unmatched. I only wish that he was a little less hard on himself. Even after the games he made sure to tell everyone he only actually won one event. But his performance was the best men's win in history thus far. I hope he is proud of himself.

1. Katrin Davidsdottir on the Sunday skill events.

This may seem like an uneventful number one pick. But, this performance will influence me in my training forever. I feel like athletes are very vulnerable in competition. Especially in CrossFit where your weaknesses can be exposed without warning at any moment. She laid it all out on the line in pursuit of her goal. She pushed so hard she got sick. And this an athlete who is used to pushing herself. As she comes in and topples down after the third skill event, winning it, you are presented with an athlete who has pushed themselves to the absolute limit. It was again almost super human. Her mental ability to do that along with her physical strength and talent is amazing. I was blown away. I also loved her comments after the games. Her clear confidence in herself. Her ability to be happy about her personal performances even when they were not at the top of pack because they were as she said "a win for me." I was so inspired to not only push myself when I am able. But to strive to view my workout performances like she does. Her amazing ability to focus on what she can control (herself) has carried her to the top of the sport, winning The CrossFit Games two years in a row.

Bonus- Brent Fikowski

Also can I just say I really liked rookie Brent Fikowski?! He seems super cool and unique. I really appreciate watching him compete!

The Games are amazing. Even if you don't do CrossFit. I actually had a lady on the train who saw my CrossFit shirt and talked me about them because she was so inspired even knowing nothing about the sport. They are a true personification of life. The ups, downs, support from others, and the pursuit of being your best. They show the ultimate understanding that so much is controlled by what is inside you. What you're passionate about, what drives you, your ability to overcome fears, push to be better, and use your head to help and not prevent what you want most. It was amazing to watch these athletes pursue their passion. I hope to be able to use their strength for myself to overcome my mental deficits and come back from my injury stronger than ever.
