Well, I'm sad to report I've had another injury creep up this past
month. I was in denial for quite awhile... And it's weird when I finally
started to rest it, my discomfort and pain actually increased. Which is when I
realized it was probably more than the muscle strain I was hoping for. So back
in for a second knee surgery in a couple weeks!! Anyway, I didn't really want
this post to focus too much on the injury itself. I have three things I hope to
address. My feelings about the injury, what I've learned so far, and how I plan
on getting through it with gains as an athlete.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling discouraged. This is my fourth
significant injury in four years. I was really determined this year to stay
healthy and was so excited to see what I could accomplish not spending so much
time rebuilding to pre-injury levels of fitness. I felt like these last couple
months I was making significant progress. And not just in the physical sense,
but mentally. I was finally approaching lifts I had been stuck on, more so from
a mental standpoint than physically with less fear. And because of that, long
time plateaus were finally moving!
It feels like in letting my guard down it's gotten me back to where I
was... Which was the reason I had so much fear in the first place. Because I
really didn't want to get injured again. So that is discouraging as I'm sure
the mental battle of faith over fear will continue.
Then there's that thought of getting behind. My training partners and
those I hope to compete with one day working to become more well-rounded each
day. While I'm unable to work on my weaknesses that hold me back from achieving
my goals. It certainly inflates my insecurities that I don't have what it takes
to be one of them. It makes me scared that I will never get the chance to see
if I can be on their level. And how
will I ever catch up when they just keep progressing. It's scary to think you
might not be good enough.
And then there's just missing what I love. Thanks to my super
understanding coach we are modifying my workouts and trying to focus on the
things I can work on. But with new opportunities for team competition, and so
many new amazing athletes to train with it's hard to not feel a little loss. I
feel like my dream training environment and long-term dream are a real
possibility. And I don't want to get left out because of another injury. Since
I first knew what CrossFit was this is what I wanted, and I just hope I can
experience it.
However, in feeling this way the first thing I've learned with
this injury is that I love what I do. Even though it is difficult and a mental
battle. I love it so much. Because being injured if I didn't love it I'd use it
as an excuse to not do it. At this point it does seem my body is pretty injury
prone. However, I haven’t done that. I’ve spent just as much time at the gym.
I’ve tried to spend just as much time training. We typically make time for and
sacrifice for the things that are most important to us. Therefore, on hard
training days I don't really need to have a mini breakdown on if this is worth
it. It's what I love and therefore regardless of any sacrifice etc. it's
completely worth it because I get to pursue my passion.
The second thing is what I will
learn. I know that something good will come out of this and I know it will make
me a better athlete in some way. Every injury I have had has yielded something
positive for my training. I don't know what will come of this one yet.. Because
sometimes I just wish I could catch a break. But I'm sure I will find out and
be grateful for how this injury ties into my end goals. A small example of this
is when I hurt my back and had to do all single leg lifts for a couple months.
While it was frustrating taking time off from all the main lifts. The first workout
of the open this year had lunges. I did so so much better than I thought
possible for me and it was that tough single leg work that absolutely helped
yield that result.
So in how I plan on getting through it I just have to
continually remind myself that this happened for a reason. Even if right now my
heart is a little devastated and I have no idea why. I also am going to focus on what I can control. Which is
strengthening my strengths (aka anything with my upper body). This was a
helpful piece of advice from my coach. While my weaknesses are on hold, I have
lots of potential to make my best skills much stronger. Which I'm sure will be
helpful in a team setting. I have a couple goals in mind. The length of my
recovery is not really determined. It's reliant on what they find in surgery.
So it's hard to make super concrete number goals. But two movements in
particular are ring muscle ups and handstand push-ups. I'm saying now my goal
is 15 unbroken ring muscle ups. As for handstand push-ups, I'm not sure. I know
pressing is a huge strength (hence bench press haha). I know push-ups are a
super strong movement for me as well as overhead barbell lifts. Handstand push-ups
not as much. So I'd really like to focus on making these much stronger while my
leg is healing. Along with bench of course!
As for the many other physical aspects of CrossFit, I will just try my
best to do damage control and maintain as much as I can.
However, my biggest weakness of all which I can always work on is my
mental game. And maybe that is one reason I did
get injured again. Because my confidence and belief in myself MUST increase if
my goals will ever happen. These mental factors need to not be reliant on
certain physical markers of strength or progress. They simply must always be
there. And they are not yet. I get discouraged and frustrated with myself over
my mental weaknesses. But I must remember just like physical weaknesses mental
ones take time. I have made much progress. When this injury happened and I was
still in denial I kept saying I just can't go through that again. And in
getting through it day by day and learning to believe in my potential
regardless of what others are achieving or what I am limited by I will mentally
start to become the athlete I want to be. And as soon as that happens I know I
have the physical capacity to get there. And I'm so lucky because I have others
around me who believe me as well and will help me get where I need to be.
So one step at a time I will continue trying to become a little better
each day to make my dream a reality. I’m skipping leg day for a little
while, but I’m not putting pursuing my long-term goals on hold. I will do
whatever I can to continue to work towards them and believe that the work I can put in will pay off eventually.
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